Friday, April 1, 2011

My Name Necklace

I get a lot of questions about my "name" necklace each time I wear it.  So I decided I would share it with you all in a blog post.  Sex and the City is one of my all time favorite shows (I have all the seasons on DVD).  The lead character Carrie, always wore her signature "name" necklace.  And I have secretly always wanted one.  So I ordered one from  I got the "Carrie" style name necklace in sterling silver on a 16" chain.  It was only about $32 and that included free shipping. 

I chose the 16" length as opposed to the 18" because I wanted to be able to wear it with higher neck lines also.  I just got an email from the site with a friends and family discount code for 5% off MNN507.

I really like the necklace and get a ton of compliments every time I wear it.  They even have the "Lauren Conrad" inspired name two finger rings (I'm also a Hills fan but won't be taking it that far)!

*I am not affiliated with this company in any way.


  1. Sorry I messed up my first comment! I love SATC too and have secretly always wanted one of those necklaces! Thanks for the discount code. I will check it out!

  2. Nice name necklace! Also check out the amazing selection at
